Lack Of Rain Causes Central Texas Christmas Tree Farm To Close
The Radde Tannenbaum Farm in Meridian, Texas has been chopping trees and selling joy for decades. Now, if you planned on going Christmas tree huntin' and cuttin' this year at the Radde family's farm, you’re going to have to search elsewhere.
Too Short For Christmas
Due to the drought this year, Kenneth Radde, owner of the family farm, said in an interview that the Christmas trees didn’t grow tall enough. He said they are too short to sell. This is what led to their decision to close this year. Kathy Radde, co-owner of the farm and wife to Kenneth said:
"there were so many cracks in the ground, that when the water went in, it probably went well past the roots in those deep cracks."
So, the lack of rain was the major contributing factor to the lack of growth. I still don't understand why they couldn't just sell the shorties. Not everyone wants or needs a tall tree, right?
What Does The Future Hold?
Out of the 16,000 seedlings that were planted this spring, they are estimating only to have about 400 make it. It takes closer to five years for the trees to fully mature. So this drought could cause some issues down the road. With their first tree planted back in 1986, you can imagine how many traditions have been made, and how many homes have been made merry and bright during the holidays with trees from the farm.
No Grinch Here
The Family Farm has had other obstacles in the past, but it's nothing they couldn’t push through. Although this year's experience at the farm will not be the same, the good news is they will be selling precut Christmas trees shipped in from a farm in North Carolina. It takes about 25 inches of rain for the trees to thrive, and with all the rain Central Texas has had this year, they are positive and hopeful.
K-Lew out!