What the hell is going on in Shallowater, Texas?

When this story popped up on my timeline, I didn't know what to think.

Say you are a parent and your daughter comes home with an assignment requiring her to "dress in a feminine manner" in order to "please men".

That same assignment requires them to walk behind men daintily as if their feet are bound, and to lower their heads and curtsy (when women greet men with their knees bent and one foot in front of the other).

That was an assignment at Shallowater High School in Lubbock County.

Before we jump to conclusions (like I did) let me explain.

CBS NEWS reports that the assignment was designed to demonstrate to the girls at the school how the code of chivalry set in medieval times translates to today's times.

I don't think that was a very good idea.

Reportedly, listed on the assignment is a checklist requiring female students to address men "by title", to never criticize a male, that ladies must not initiate conversations with males, they must cook and clean after the males, among other things featured on the checklist.

First of all, to see that women back in those days were subjected to these standards was crazy! Second, there has to be a more sensible way to teach kids about it.

After all the attention from the community, needless to say, the assignment was removed. By the way, the guys in class were given a chivalry assignment too. Theirs basically just said to be extra nice to the girls.

According to CBS News, a rep from the school district in Shallowater told the network, "This assignment has been reviewed, and despite its historical context, it does not reflect our district and community values. The matter has been addressed with the teacher, and the assignment was removed."

Ummmm. good move Shallowater!

How would you react if your daughter came home with this assignment? Sound off in the comments.

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