State Of Texas Tell Its Overweight State Troopers To Stay Healthy Or Else
If you are a Texas State Trooper and can't dodge doughnut jokes, this may be for you.
What's Happening?
According to the Dallas Morning News, the Texas Department Of Public Safety will now require its state troopers to record their height, weight, and waist measurements, making some people question the motive.
State Troopers Skeptical Of The Decision?
Jack Crier, who is the executive director of the Texas State Troopers Association, told the Dallas Morning News "I guess maybe they're trying to make it tougher, to force these guys to leave, (suggesting the new requirement is forcing older officers to resign early) They just want to know what the policy is and they'll follow it, "Those guys are in pretty good shape "
They Definitely "Tried It"
State Troopers who think the state is trying to oust older troopers have reason to believe that because The Dallas Morning News reported that back in December that the Department Of Public Safety's Director Steve McCraw proposed a plan to lay off 117 older state troopers who had retired and been rehired to address budget costs, but the decision was reversed after much backlash
Rest Assured State Troopers
Tom Vinger, the spokesperson for the Department Of Public Safety, told The Dallas Morning News the claims of the department wanting to push out the older troopers are "false" he also told the newspaper:
"The significant health risk associated with obesity and its impact on the protective services industry [police officers, firefighters, and correctional officers] was already documented in our policy manual. "We are simply moving from talking about the health risk to identifying it — and providing support to those impacted by it."
The Consequences
If male Texas State troopers' waists are over 40 inches in circumference and women's are v35 inches in circumference, they will be considered obese.
According to NBC DFW, officers who fail to comply with the weight requirements won't be fired, but will be denied promotions and overtime. They will also be strongly encouraged to participate in "nutrition and education programs".
My Opinion
I can see where the Department Of Public Safety is coming from if a hidden agenda includes getting rid of out-of-shape troopers out there patrolling.
What do you think?
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