IT WORKS! Here Is A Homemade Remedy Texans Use To Get Rid Of Allergies
It’s that time of the year when Texans have a runny nose, constant sneezing, and itchy eyes. That’s right, it’s allergy season in Texas, and half of us are miserable. According to Georgetown, ear, nose, throat, center P.A., grass, and mold, are a year-round problem in the great state. Grass allergies usually are more aggressive during the summer months because of all of the mowing of lawns, but mold, allergies can peak whenever there’s moisture in the environment and sometimes can worsen if there’s rain. Around this time of year, Texans find their selves with the worst type of Allergy in my opinion, which is pollen.

According to WYNDLY in December, January, September, and May is when pollen is at its peak in Texas, and trust me, we’re all suffering it right now. Allergies in Texas can be so annoying and somewhat dangerous for individuals who have been diagnosed with cases of asthma. One thing for sure though authentic Texans, know that when the weather changes and pollen makes its way to the state, there is a Texas remedy that gets rid of allergies quickly. Everybody doesn’t want to take over-the-counter allergy medicine, especially the type that makes you drowsy all day.
Texans, who don’t enjoy the over-the-counter option, we’re all aware that all you need is local honey. That’s right Texas. If you have terrible allergies, local honey is your go-to remedy to stop your nose, eyes, and throat from itching. Eating local honey allows an individual to ingest local pollen and because of that over time, Texans will become less sensitive to the pollen. I know what you’re thinking, this sounds completely random and stupid, but I’ve lived in Texas all my life, and 2 tablespoons of local honey always has done the job for me. If you find yourself coming down with a stuffy nose, itchy, eyes, and scratchy throat, you could be dealing with allergies and you can handle it the sweetest way possible. Just like Mary Poppins says, just two spoonfuls of honey make the medicine go down, or however, she worded it.
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