Would You Try A Watermelon Steak? [Poll]
Everyone I know as of late is claiming to have gone "vegan" and that's fine, not knocking it, but there's always extremists who take things too far and I consider this to be one of those cases.
Foodbeast recently discovered a New York restaurant called Ducks Eatery which is known for its "meats" offering up a rather peculiar menu item called "Watermelon Steak". At first glance it looks like a delicious ham until you cut into it and notice the all red watermelon on the inside. Now "grilling" watermelon is something I've heard of and have tried but THIS has me recoiling in horror.
According to the video, they smoke a whole watermelon for 8 hours and brine it in a mixture of salt, ash and spices for FOUR DAYS, then smoke it for another 8 hours, then roast it in its own juice and rosemary. I mean LOOK AT THIS THING MAN:
I wholeheartedly agree with the gentleman in this video when he says "Vegans will do just about anything to get attention." Well you got my attention, and I'm repulsed. But like all things in life one shouldn't knock it until you try it so I'll leave it up to you. Would you try a watermelon steak? Vote in the poll below!
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