Phrases That Make Men More Attractive, According To Texas WomenPhrases That Make Men More Attractive, According To Texas WomenA recent study discovered that the following phrases can make a man more attractive when they say it to the right woman.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Three Men Charged With Threatening Women In R. Kelly CaseThree Men Charged With Threatening Women In R. Kelly CaseFederal prosecutors announced charges on Wednesday against acquaintances of Kelly which surely won't help matters for his defense team.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
The Perfect Father’s Day Gift: Dr. Melz Presents Pelvic PowerThe Perfect Father’s Day Gift: Dr. Melz Presents Pelvic PowerHey guys, are you finding it harder to last longer in the bedroom? Your lady tired of your "shortcomings"? Well I may have the solution for you this upcoming Father's Day!Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Controversial Gillette Ad Challenges Men To Be BetterControversial Gillette Ad Challenges Men To Be BetterThe commerical has gone viral due to its response to the "#MeToo" movement asking men to shave their "toxic masculinity".Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Question For Men: How Much Time Do You Spend In The Bathroom?Question For Men: How Much Time Do You Spend In The Bathroom?No matter what amount of time we spend in there, we will still forget to put the seat down, sorry ladies.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Sound Smarter At Work: Men Are More Satisfied With Other Male Friends Than Romantic PartnersSound Smarter At Work: Men Are More Satisfied With Other Male Friends Than Romantic PartnersMen are apparently MORE satisfied with by bromances than their romantic relationships? Oh boy, fellas, is this true?Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC