I  for one thought with the election of Barark Obama as President that America had finally begun to turn the corner in it's nasty history of racism,sadly I  must say I was wrong. Sports is just one segment of our society,but lately a number of disturbing incidents have reared it's ugly head, following the Travon Martin shooting by George Zimmerman.Just last week,a statue of Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese in Brooklyn was vandalized with racist slurs and Hitler references,this follows  Philadelphia Eagles receiver Riley Cooper dropping the N-word bomb at a concert in the city of brotherly love.Sunday in San Francisco ,Adam Jones of the Baltimore Orioles had a banana thrown in his direction while he was on the field  at AT&T Park. Bananas have been used ,time immemorial in racist depictions of blacks as being subhuman.In 2011, a white fan threw a banana peel at NHL  player Wanye Simmonds.who is black during a game in London ,Ont. Canada. Worse than graffiti,what happened to Simmonds and Jones is the same as being spat upon,with an added insult of racism.In 2013 sadly such behavior cannot be tolerated. Hopefully,between ballpark security cameras and live witnesses,the Giants can figure out who threw the banana and ban him from any future games. He or she should be and needs to be embarrassed and Adam Jones is owed an apology.

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