MyKiss1031 Listeners Take The Ebony Cover Challenge
Over the holiday weekend, we noticed that Ebony Magazine covers were starting to appear all over social media and we were curious as to why. Ebony Magazine was first published beginning in 1945 and for a very long time, was one of only a few publications that gave a voice to the African-American community and for the most part, was a testament to the black experience in America.
So what was the reason folks started posting covers all over social media inspiring what is now called the #EbonyChallenge?
The #EbonyChallenge is simple, google "Ebony Magazing Cover" and add your birth month and year and screenshot the cover. Pretty simple huh?
We asked our amazing MyKiss1031 listeners to participate in the #EbonyChallenge and the covers we received were amazing and great to reminisce about stars from back in the day like Wilt Chamberlain and Lola Falana and also how far we've come as African Americans. Here are a few of our favorites that you folks shared with us on Facebook!
Melz On The MIC even got in on the act sharing the cover from his birth month and year featuring Diana Ross in the "The Wiz".
Thanks for taking the #EbonyChallenge with us if you want to see more, head over to our Facebook page!
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