Meet Shani & Melz At Hood Howdy On Friday!
If you're new to the CTX and Fort Hood, we wanna say HOWDY to you at Hood Howdy!
Come out to Club Hood for the bi-annual "Hood Howdy" located at 24th Street at Tank Destroyer Boulevard, Bldg. 5764 on Fort Hood on Friday February 10th starting at 10:00 AM for a newcomers information and Mini-Career Fair free and open to the public to help you get familiar with our community.
Hood Howdy is a family friendly event, full of information to get to know your new hometown and neighbors with over 100 area businesses and agencies in attendance, door prizes and refreshments.
You can stop by and meet Kiss-FM's Shani Scott and Melz On The MIC and we're going to have a great time saying Howdy to all of you! For more details on Hood Howdy visit Fort Hood MWR's website or call 254-287-4471.
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