Killeen Traffic Alert: WS Young Bridge To Be Closed In November
We received a press release from the City of Killeen about a major traffic event that will begin in November, so you better start planning your alternate routes NOW.
The City of Killeen announced that the WS Young Drive Bridge will be closed November 4th through November 30th as crews are set to remove and replace damaged concrete at both ends of the bridge.
Detours and alternate north-south routes will be 10th Street and 38th Street. The Killeen Community Center and Athletic Complex parks, fields, dog park, trail and other amenities will remain accessible to northbound traffic, while businesses located north of the bridge will be accessible via Rancier Avenue.
Basically, if you have to travel down WS Young to get where you're going coming from the NORTH side of Killeen, you'll have to take the long way around for the entire month of November. Expect traffic to be delayed in those areas and plan accordingly.
As always, be careful! Watch for workers and equipment when driving through any work zones.