Copperas Cove Picnic Table Painting Party
If you and your family need something to do to get over all the quarantine blues, head out to Copperas Cove and you can express yourself with blue or red or whatever color fits your mood in paint.
Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful in support of the Copperas Cove Parks and Recreation Department will host a Picnic Table Painting Party event on Saturday, July 18 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM at City Park located at 1206 W Avenue B.
Families and civic organizations are invited to attend the event to help beautify Cove City Park by painting the concrete picnic tables in the area of Fester’s House or the main stage. All materials and supplies will be provided.
All participants will be required to recognize and follow social distancing and mask requirements, per Gov. Abbott’s Executive Order GA-29.
To register for your table, please contact Roxanne at or if you have questions contact Roxanne Flores-Achmad, KCCB Executive Director, at Both can be reached at (254) 547-4242.