How popular are Oreo Cookies? They get their own day.

Justin Sullivan, Getty Images

Everyone says you should have a glass of milk handy when eating Oreos. Speaking for myself, and not all the rest of the lactose challenged...Screw you Harry! The last thing you want is Oreo colored loose stools and no ability to stop yourself from "releasing the hounds!"

I've always been a big fan of coffee dipped Oreos. I used to play a game of how long does it take to dip an Oreo in coffee before it breaks off? The ultimate was for the cookie to just be dangling in coffee juice as you slip inside your mouth. Delicious.

Be on the lookout if you hit some stores. You might be offered a free sample.

You might be asking..."Why March 6th?"

Well, It's Oreos Birthday of course. Oreos are turning 107 years old.

Back in 1912 the National Biscuit Company, which is now known as Nabisco, developed and produced the "Oreo Biscuit" in New York City. The area is now known as "Oreo Way" if you're looking to take a Oreo tour. It was sold for 25 cents a pound.


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