A lot of weird things can happen while driving anywhere. Somebody could turn down the wrong way onto a one way street, or we've all seen somebody turn without using a signal. So many things can be done wrong, and they happen all the time.

But then there's the strange things that happen, like an animal running in front of our vehicles when out on the roadway. Most of the time, we're able to avoid the animal and not harm them. Then there are times the animal is hit, and it harms the car and animal.

For one woman in Texas, this exact situation happened. But...the animal is probably not one you'd expect.

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What Did Daisy Garcia Hit While Driving In Texas?

While behind the wheel at night recently, Garcia unfortunately hit something. She wasn't sure what exactly was hit, but she had seen livestock wandering the area she drove without supervision. Sadly, Garcia did indeed hit a baby calf, which she originally thought was a dog.

She even told KRGV:

“I wasn't playing ‘Grand Theft Auto’ trying to hit the cow...somebody's responsible for the cow."

However, according to Motor Biscuit, Garcia may be facing a large payment to fix the damage. Repairing the car may cost her $1,700. But, the main question on the mind of Garcia remains the animals that were roaming free:

“Don't just let them out there 'cause it could cause something worse than this. I was lucky."

If more information becomes available, we will report it here.

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

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Here are the top 10 deadliest animals in Texas, including one that might take you by surprise.

Gallery Credit: Piggie

Beware Of These 10 Most Dangerous Animals in Texas

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Gallery Credit: Piggie

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