Texas Poll Shows Voters Think COVID-19 is “Out of Control”
A new poll shows that a large number of Texas voters think the spread of COVID-19 is "out of control".
Our partners at News 10 report that 65% of Texas voters say it's “out of control”, and 74% of them think it's very serious. Results were from a Quinnipiac University poll that was made up of Texas voters and released today.
Over 60% said they know someone with the virus. That's up from 31% in June.
Polling Analyst Tim Malloy says, "The concern is palpable as the number of virus victims soars and it's getting more personal every day, as the patient lists increasingly include friends, family and neighbors,".
However, more than half of the voters that were polled think Gov. Abbott shouldn't issue another stay-at-home order, but still say they are "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned".
There is a split in voters when it comes to how Abbot has handled the response to the outbreak. 47% approve and 48% disapprove.
Abbott has said there's no plan to mandate another shutdown, but I guess we'll have to wait and see how things go over the next few weeks. For now, we should continue to practice good hand hygiene, mask up in public places, and practice physical distancing as much as possible.
What do you think about Texas' COVID-19 response? Do you know someone who's been diagnosed with the virus?

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