This has been the itchiest year here in Texas. You cannot go in public without seeing bug bite marks from people. It’s already bad enough that once summertime approaches Texans have to protect themselves from the vicious bites of mosquitoes, but now bedbugs have been finding their selves invading the great state was one of the nastiest infestations I’ve ever seen.

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According to KXAN, a pet control resource outlet called Pet Gnomes ran the United States of America's "{500 biggest cities" based on several factors in three categories, infestation risk, pest control, and urban density. In the United States of America, Texas found itself having the third city with the largest amount of bedbugs in the country. Dallas was the 11th city San Antonio was the 16th. Austin placed 17th Fort Worth was the 37th and Irving was the 54th city with the worst amount of bedbugs.


Women are checking for unusual things and detecting bed bugs in the bedroom.

Keep in mind that bedbugs usually hide in clothes, furniture, and sometimes even luggage when traveling and bedding. Bedbugs hatch, their eggs usually as little as 10 days after a female lays them which also can make it difficult to get to the root of the problem immediately. Within 37 days a bedbug is fully grown and can lay eggs.  Houston was the number one city in Texas where bedbugs are running rapidly. Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States with a population of 2.3 million in 2020. If you find yourself with swollen arms and distinctive bites more than likely, it was a bedbug.

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