If your home has become the office due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study reveals that you're probably turning your home/office into the place to be to get a jump on "happy hour".

According News 4 San Antonio, a study of 3,300 people working from home conducted by Alcohol.org, a resource for the treatment of alcohol use disorder, to find out how their drinking habits have changed since the lockdown began.

The study found that the average Texas employee gets a SIX MINUTE start on 5:00 PM and has their first after work adult beverage at 4:54 PM. When you consider that the national average time is 4:36 PM, that's not bad. It shows that we Texans are working hard to the last minute which is in our nature.

The study also found that 1 in 10 Texans say they had stockpiled alcohol in case availability was limited even though liquor stores were considered "essential' during the lockdown.

While this study is interesting, please note that alcohol abuse can become a real problem if you're not careful. Don't let these crazy times introduce a dangerous habit into your life. Check out the study by CLICKING HERE and check out their website for good information on getting help if you need it.


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