No way Jose ! Target will not stay open for the Thanksgiving holiday !
Target has decided that they will no longer be open for Thanksgiving and I can only say I totally understand. I have made jokes about Black Friday for the last maybe 10 years of my life, on how many fights and violence I have seen not necessarily towards employees but just people in straight chaos behind electronics.

I mean we could make jokes and say things like ,it’s us against the machines but at the end of the day, it is dangerous and truly disappointing for us to conduct ourselves like that ,especially when we teach our children that sharing is caring and people really Will bum rush absolute strangers for a toaster oven. I wish I was joking, I’ve literally seen somebody get into a physical altercation behind a toaster oven and when the two ladies were broken up during the fight by their husbands, one of the husband said to his wife, "why would you even want to engage into a fight knowing that we have a toaster oven at home," and she explain to him," because it was $2.50.
I don’t know about you but, I’m not willing to get my lights knocked out for $2.50. Target is taking extreme precautions to make sure they’re not only are they safe but everyone is safe and I for one agree. I think during the holidays you should be with your family, it’s not about the gifts and the great deals, it’s about the people you love and spending time with each other. Now every department store might not understand the assignment when it comes to safety and family, buy Target definitely does. I hope each one of those employees has a wonderful Thanksgiving with their love ones!
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