New Braunfels, TX Seafood Restaurant Best In America
Did you know the number one most highly rated seafood restaurant is right here in the Lone Star State? Having the number one restaurant in any cuisine is not really a surprise, however, when you discover the top seafood joint in the country is not even on the coast, but New Braunfels, Texas, you may begin to scratch your head.

How was the best seafood restaurant in America determined?
The website Travel Awaits compiled the data from all over the United States, and were able to declare McAdoo's Seafood Co. & Oyster Bar as the top place in the whole country to enjoy seafood. Especially if you love Creole and Cajun cuisine, then McAdoo's is 100% the place for you.
Why is the best seafood restaurant in the USA called McAdoo's?
The restaurant is actually housed in a historic old post office building that is over 100 years old, and was built under the direction of former Secretary of the Treasury William McAdoo.
For what else is New Braunfels, Texas well known?
Schlitterbahn is one thing that immediately comes to mind as it is often considered not only the greatest waterpark in Texas, but the whole country. How fitting that you can start your day working up an appetite pretending to be something that swims in the sea, and finish it with the best seafood in the United States of America.
Personally, I would not want to wait until the waterpark season begins to enjoy the best seafood in the country. Would you?
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