Are you a veteran or active duty soldier in need of legal counsel?

Lone Star is now offering free legal counsel for those who've served or are serving here in Central Texas.

Lone Star Legal Aid is available every 4th Thursday of the month from 10am-12pm.

Every fourth Monday of the month, you can stop by Operation Phantom Support at 401 N 8th Street in Killeen from 10 AM to Noon to talk to the folks at Texas Legal Aid about:

Family - Divorce, child custody, adoption, protective orders
Housing - home ownership, landlord-tenant, home repairs
Employment - job termination, wage claims
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, Nursing homes, community based asst.
Consumer - contract claims, debt collection, credit card payments
Education - special needs education
Soical Security Disability - SSI, SSD
Food Stamps, TANF or other public benefit issues

To schedule an appointment visit Lone Star Legal Aid's event page on Facebook or contact Operation Phantom Support at (844) 458-4208.

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