Hungry For Sports? Check Out Australian Rules Football In June
While Texas Governor Abbott Greg Abbott announced that professional sports can resume in Texas at the end of May, most pro leagues will more than likely remain reluctant to start back up so our long national sports drought could go on throughout the summer.
While sports networks have been doing what they can to keep us entertained including airing old games we saw already, documentaries, movies and even resorting to broadcasts of "cornhole" tourneys, we still are feeling.."unfulfilled" as sports fans. Even the manufactured debates of MJ vs. Lebron are TIRED.
Luckily, the good folks down under are getting ready to fire up their "national past time" as Australian Rules Football or "Footy" as its called, will be kicking off their professional AFL season on June 11. I discovered this game late one night flipping through my cable channels and I've become a huge fan since. This game is INSANE on the first watch but once you learn the rules and understand the action, its nonstop, compelling competition.
Australian Football, also known as AFL, Aussie Rules or Footy, is a fast, skilful and tough game played by some of the fittest professional athletes on the planet. And AFL fans are as passionate as any sports fans in the world. - AFL
Combine the elements of soccer, basketball, American football and rugby and you have one wild entertaining sport. These cats are incredible athletes and a few players from the AFL have actually signed on to play in the NFL.
Now catching live games will be tough due to the time difference. Most live games start after midnight in the U.S. so you'll have to set your DVR's or catch replays when they air but in the U.S. the games can be seen on Fox Soccer Plus which is available in most cable and satellite packages.
I mean, its sports, what else you gonna do?
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