Hell 2 Da Naw Naw Award: Killeen Woman’s Pizza Hut Freakout Caught On Video [WATCH]
This video of a girl named Danielle from The Dr. Phil Show acting a fool telling the audience to "catch me outside, how bow dat?" has been the early viral hit of 2017. Meanwhile here in Killeen, we seem to have discovered a WOMAN who is quickly becoming a "local" version of Danielle, only her fight is with Pizza Hut.
Acting a fool like this in front of KIDS over pizza? An "alleged" adult? Before I roast her, let's go into more detail.
The video was shot on Wednesday at Pizza Hut on Trimmer Drive by Joseph Lamar who posted it to social media. The woman in this video ordered a pizza on Tuesday (Valentine's Day). She claimed to have received the wrong order, so Pizza Hut made her a new pie and let her keep the other one for FREE.
But apparently that wasn't good enough for this woman and she came back the next day with the leftovers and demanded she get another free pie, then freaked when they said "no".
The old saying "The customer is always right" does not apply in this case. Why in the world would this woman feel like she is ENTITLED to quality customer service after exercising such poor judgement and character is beyond me. And then she decides that acting like a spoiled child IN FRONT OF CHILDREN by throwing food around and yelling should be grounds for arrest in my opinion.
All that accomplished NOTHING but embarrassing yourself and your family and a well earned Hell 2 Da Naw Naw Award for acting like a "Danielle" over a pizza. Maybe your kids can teach you how to be an adult. "How Bow Dat?"