BE ALERT! Meat Recalled In Texas Due To Dangerous Contamination
Even though the weather is back, nice outside in Texas, and everybody’s marinating and preparing meats for the grill, according to the CDC, also known as the Centers for Disease, control, and Prevention, you might just want to take a step back on the idea of anything dealing with me due to an ongoing contamination. 47 different reports of illnesses because of a salmonella breakout took place all over the United States and now 23 new cases are being identified, and out of 10 of these individuals have been hospitalized.

As of right now, there are no reports that there’s been any type of additional fatalities, but it remains that this situation is very dangerous, especially for young children and individuals with weak immune systems. Salmonella is considered a bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract. The disease can live in animals and humans, vegetables, fruits, and even flour and could find itself being very deadly.
The dangerous bacterial disease isn’t just found in certain meats, recently here in Texas the company Quaker Oaks had to do a recall on granola bars, and other snacks here in the great state due to potential salmonella contamination. As of right now it is only suggested that you are very cautious about what you choose to place in your body, salmonella can be dangerous and fatal.
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