Raul, Meza, Junior, is a Texas man from Austin that has confessed to multiple murders, he recently confessed to murdering his roommate. Jesse forgot who is 80 years old and also discussed that he was also involved in the murder of Gloria Lofton who is 66 in 2019 after being released from the Travis County jail. The fact that Raul has been active in the streets in Austin, Texas really has me in all. Bruce Mills, who is the interim assistant city manager says this is a serial killer that Justice was not served.

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In 1982 Raul Meza Junior was also convicted of murdering eight-year-old Kendra Page. Austin Police Department said they are looking into 8 to 10 more cold cases Raul Mesa Junior could be connected to these murders a possible serial killer. As of right now, Raul is being detained in the Travis County jail, but Austin police say Raul Meza told officers once he was arrested that he was ready and was prepared to kill again. Bruce Mills says when being questioned  Raul never really gave a solid answer, which, of course, is frustrating, especially when you have a determined law enforcer like Bruce Mills.




On May 24, Meza called the Austin Police Department 311 line, he explained to officers that he had killed his roommate and also involved himself in the murder of Lofton in 2019 said the Austin Police Department homicide unit, Sergeant Nathan Sexton. As of right now, this is the only information given d about this particular case, individuals have expressed how they are excited to have this alleged murder off the streets.

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