What Is Going On With Crime In Killeen? We Want To Hear From You!
We've seen in the early start of 2017, a lot of stories of crime already capturing headlines in Killeen and residents are starting to get concerned. While there are many who believe crime for an area the size of Killeen isn't bad, there are many long-time residents who are now considering moving because they are growing tired of recent reports.
According to The Killeen Daily Herald at a recent community meeting, crime was the biggest concern of residents in Killeen. Last year, Killeen was ranked 7th "Most Dangerous City In Texas" and from what we've seen in recent comments on our Facebook page, residents are getting nervous and searching for answers.
There's a laundry list of reasons so let's get the adults in the room and let's discuss amongst ourselves! Comment on our Facebook page now on my LIVE VIDEO and let's find out what we can do to fix things!