Prince Website Launches Interactive Minneapolis Map
Prince’s official website has launched an interactive map of Minneapolis, offering a detailed guide to locations of interest to fans visiting the city.
Among the 23 current entries are points relating to his early years, some of which have proved difficult to identify in the past, while the “Story” section includes detailed text along with audio commentary provided by colleagues Andre Cymone, Bobby Z and Owen Husney, and clips of Prince himself.
The first location is the site of Phyllis Wheatley Settlement House, where Prince’s father first met his mother and invited her to join his jazz band, the Prince Rogers Trio. Next is the site of his childhood home, where he lived from 1959 to 1965. “There were 2 Princes in the house where we lived,” he wrote in his memoir The Beautiful Ones. “The older one with all the responsibilities of heading a household and the younger one whose only modus operandi was fun… My house – it was pink. It looked like Mad Men, but not as nice. … I remember this funky energy about it. People, voices, energy. Like the Kennedys, but black.”
Also included are his father John L. Nelson’s home, Prince’s elementary and junior high schools, the home of his early bandmates Linda and Andre Anderson (stage name Cymone), the church where their group Grand Central were paid $3 to play their first show, and the location of Moon Sound Studio, where Prince recorded his first demos. The final entry is his Paisley Park HQ itself, “opened on September 11, 1987, as a world-class suite of recording studios, production spaces, and offices.”
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