Kicking Off 2021 With Two of Largest Lottery Jackpots in History

Happy New Year! I'm thinking that for every person who is excited about the prospects of 2021, there is another person who is just glad it's not 2020 anymore! However, if you consider the financial side of things, 2021 could very well be the greatest year of your life; if you win Mega Millions or Powerball!
According to Wikipedia, tonight's Mega Millions drawing which is valued at $401 million, is the twenty eighth largest jackpot in history! Just imagine that. It's only the first day of January and if you were to win the Mega Millions drawing tonight, only 27 people have ever won more than you in a lottery jackpot. Talk about helping to forget all your woes from 2020, that would do the trick wouldn't it!
And if that's not enough, the same article from Wikipedia show us that tomorrow night's Powerball drawing worth $384 million will be the thirty second largest jackpot in history! We're talking over three quarters of a BILLION (yes, with a "B") in lottery jackpots just between tonight and tomorrow!
The next Mega Millions drawing is at 10:00 pm Central tonight and if you're looking for a place to purchase a ticket, just go to MegaMillions.com
The next Powerball drawing will be held at 9:59 pm Central, tomorrow night (Saturday) and if you'd like to purchase a ticket for that drawing, go to Powerball.com
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