Houston PD Now Has Epic Problem Regarding Its Evidence
🐀 Houston, TX Drugs and Rats
The Houston PD has a drug problem. It also has a rat problem, and these two problems are actually one in the same. The police department is infested with drug-eating rats that have invaded their evidence room where the rats are apparently enjoying 400,000 lbs. of marijuana that is being stored away there.
🚓 Houston PD Problem
During a press conference it was announced that the police department's evidence room would be cleared out of outdated evidence which was now infested with rats. In regard to the evidence room Houston Mayor, John Whitmire, said, "Just one example, we've got 400,000 lbs. of marijuana in storage that the rats are the only ones enjoying."
👮🏼Houston Police Chief's Statement
Police chief, J Noe Diaz, stated, "We have over 1.2 million pieces of evidence here at the Houston police department ... We have instances where we have kilos of cocaine from the 90s where people have already been sent to prison, have already been released from the sentence, and we still store it." Diaz did not make the same assumption that the rats were enjoying the cocaine as the mayor did with the rats and the marijuana.
🏙️ Houston's Plan Moving Forward
The general counsel of the Harris County district attorney's office informed the press that the rats had also managed to invade the evidence room, and while they were in there the rats got into packaging that contained psychedelic mushrooms. He said that most evidence rooms "are filled to the brims with old evidence ... [it's] a national issue." Harris county district attorney, Sean Teare said that they "are going to start to fix a systemic problem that has hit every one of our property rooms ..."
One thing is for sure and that is that the rats in Houston definitely know how to party.
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