Being the richest man in the world just wasn't enough for Texas billionaire. Elon Musk wants to go down in history as a top player of Diablo 4 and Path of Exile 2. You see, during a match of Path of Exile 2 that was being played live in front of people it was clear that Musk did not have a basic understanding of the game. It was at this point that he admitted to paying other people to play games for him while he takes the credit!

This is kind of what he does when you think about. He wasn't the creator of Tesla, and he didn't invent any of the technology. Rather, he just bought them after someone else did the job. He did the same thing with PayPal. Musk was not the creator of the money handling website, but he co-found, which later merged with Confinity to form PayPal.

Musk communicated through private DMs with YouTuber, NikoWrex, and said that he did have multiple people playing on his accounts to take the top spot on worldwide leader boards. NikoWrex said that Elon Musk had said that he could release the video, but that he didn't want the information to negatively affect "people who pilot their accounts." I had no idea what that meant, so I looked it up for you and for me. When someone pilots an account, it means that they are giving someone full access to their account to give them the ability to play the game for them. In some cases, it can be beneficial if a gamer can't get passed a certain level or they may even just not be good enough at a game to obtain certain perks. In that case it may be more financially reasonable to pay someone to play and earn the perks as opposed to paying for the bonuses.

In the cases mentioned above I don't think it's that big of a deal, but when it comes to achieving world rankings on leaderboards it starts to cross a line.

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Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

Who Are The 5 Richest People in Texas, Not Counting Elon Musk?

There are more billionaires in America than in any other country, according to Stacker. For some people, the money just keeps pouring in, as Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is projected to become the world’s first trillionaire by 2026.

However, Bezos is not the world's richest person right now. That title goes to the founder of SpaceX, Tesla, and the new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk. Musk owns a mansion in Austin but says his main home is a $50,000 rental from SpaceX in Boca Chica, Texas.

Forbes lists 63 billionaires in Texas, including Elon Musk. Let's find out who's at the top of the list in the Lone Star State for 2022, right behind Musk.

Gallery Credit: Tamme Taylor

10 Illegal Plants You Better Not Get Caught Growing in Texas

There are several different plants you're not allowed to grow in Texas; some of considered noxious & others are invasive. Here are 10 of them you CAN'T grow in Texas.

Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus