Success, even massive success, can be fleeting. And today’s blockbuster can be tomorrow’s $5 DVD in the box store discount bin.

That’s the takeaway from our latest list here at ScreenCrush, which recalls 25 films you likely forgot about. We’re not talking about flops here. Of course box-office bombs that fail to connect with audiences get forgotten. That’s inevitable.

But all of the movies below did connect with moviegoers at some point in the past. In fact, every single one grossed over $100 million in the United States alone, with fairly hefty grosses overseas as well in almost every case. People paid to see these movies, and they did it in very large numbers.

And then ... well, and then those same people forgot about them.

The reasons why are interesting to consider. Many of these titles star vehicles with A-list talent that attracted hefty crowds despite flimsy premises or poor reviews. Fans of those stars showed up, didn’t especially like what they saw, and moved on. Other films were wannabe franchises with so-so stories or wonky animation that never spawned their planned sequels. Then again, a couple of these movies did get sequels or reboots. In the end, it didn’t matter. They still faded away like Marty McFly’s siblings in that old photograph in Back to the Future. (Now there’s a blockbuster people remember!)

Here are 25 big movies you probably forgot ever existed...

25 Blockbuster Hits You Forgot Existed

Remember these movies? They made a lot of money at the box office!

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The Coolest Opening Title Sequences of All Time

Where have all the opening credits gone? 

(Note: Click the link in each entry to watch these opening titles on YouTube.)

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