HEB To Require Masks For All Customers Beginning July 1
While cities and "county commissioners" argue and go back and forth about language "requiring" or "suggesting" that people wear masks to stop the spread of COVID-19, HEB is making it a requirement now for customers to shop in their stores.
According to KHOU, H-E-B has announced that stores that are not in an area with a mask ordinance will require masks for all customers. HEB went on to say that while 80% of their stores are operating under a mandatory mask ordinance, they are implementing the mandate for all places where local ordinances are not in place.
The mandate will go into effect on July 1, and the chain went on to say that exceptions would be made for children and individuals with health-related issues.
This news comes as the grocery giant once again announced purchase limits on certain items as Texas continues to struggle with containing COVID-19 cases statewide.
A friendly reminder that if you don't want to abide the rules of this private company, don't be a menace or a "Karen" about it. Stay home or shop elsewhere.