3 Things Melz Has Come To Appreciate During This Pandemic
This has been a really tough time for everyone with millions of folks unemployed, businesses closing and most of being forced to stay inside. Its almost like a 24 hour cycle of bad news keeps coming, but there are some things you can really appreciate about what these times if you stop for a moment and take a look at the big picture.
We're all trying to find a "silver lining" to deal with this pandemic and instead of talking about "what I took for granted", I'm going to share with you the things I've come to "appreciate" during this time in an effort to offer up some "positive energy" as we head into another week dealing with this pandemic.
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Family Time
Its been great to spend time with my loved ones and it helps to cut the TV and screens off and go back to basics like playing board games. My family and I have been having a blast every night with our games of Monopoly and Life and also just talking and sharing. What's better than this really?
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Being Productive
I'm not a person who gets "bored" easily because I have an over active imagination but all day long folks "inbox" me videos and dumb stuff they are doing to pass the time and I don't bother with any of that. Why? Because this time can be spent wisely working on things you've always to do or preparing for your future regardless of how this pandemic turns out. So I've been working on podcasts and other "content" to pass the time (like "The Quarantine Chronicles") and to keep my "creative" juices flowing. Is there something you always wanted to do? Get to work on it now!
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Witnessing Our Community Help One Another
While yes there are still a LOT of people who don't or flat out WON'T take this pandemic seriously, it hasn't stopped our amazing Central Texas community from finding ways to be HELPERS and not HINDRANCES to flatten the curve. From providing assistance to our most vulnerable citizens to working around the clock in the "medical" and first responder community to help those in need, we thank you all for everything that you're doing because you're doing it to help us. And for that, we are eternally grateful and appreciative.
Photo Courtesy of the Central Texas Food BankPhoto Courtesy of the Central Texas Food Bank
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