Cities You Are Most Likely to be Struck by Lightning in TexasCities You Are Most Likely to be Struck by Lightning in TexasYou wouldn't think that Texas ranks highly in the list of states getting struck by lightning. But it turns out, Texas is VERY high on that list.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
The Hidden Stress: How Texas Weather Triggers AnxietyThe Hidden Stress: How Texas Weather Triggers AnxietyIt's normal to panic over weather experts sayRyan KramerRyan Kramer
Local Red Cross Activated to Help With Storms In The GulfLocal Red Cross Activated to Help With Storms In The GulfStorms that are closing in on the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast have put the local American Cross into action to help out.Chad HeritageChad Heritage
Buckle Up, This Year’s Hurricane Season May Disrupt Your Travel PlansBuckle Up, This Year’s Hurricane Season May Disrupt Your Travel PlansAccording to early meteorologist data, it can be a big one. Lauren MoyerLauren Moyer