From restaurants to cleaning Services, clothing stores and more, here are 10 Black-owned businesses in Killeen, Texas that deserve some love and recognition.
As Black History Month comes to a close, one of of Black America's heroes will be featured in a Netflix limited series set to debut next month and it looks great!
We know the focus this weekend is understandably on "The Big Game" but its also the start of "Black History Month" and we want to get you ready for it all so here's what's going down this weekend!
As you know, February is Black History Month and Central Texas will be kicking it off the right way with the HUGE annual AAAHS presented by IMPAC Outreach.
This week Phyllis Jones speaks with as they discuss today's Superbowl and Colin Kaepernick's protest and compare it to Martin Luther King's protest in the1960s.
Kiss Community Connections hosted by Phyllis Jones airs Sunday Mornings at 5:30 am on MYKISS1031