Killeen Police Increasing Traffic Enforcement During Spring Break
Texas is wide open with the mask mandate being lifted and many restaurants and bars opening up to full capacity.
These restrictions are being lifted right before Spring Break.
I've noticed more local and DPS officers out lately during my commute to the radio station and back home, and one local department is warning the public ahead of time to be on their best behavior behind the wheel.
The Killeen Police Department informed the public Friday that they will be out watching more closely for traffic violations during the upcoming Spring Break.
In a statement, Killeen PD said they want to remind citizens that with the warmer weather and the start of the Spring Break cycle for school districts and colleges, there will be more traffic on the roadways.
Killeen PD will be utilizing the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grant to have additional traffic enforcement patrols out during this time to assist with ensuring traffic safety.
Killeen PD asks that drivers be aware of the posted speed limit, recognize and abide by the posted traffic control devices, wear their seatbelts, and make sure their passengers and children are restrained. Please be courteous to other traffic on the roadway.
Killeen PD is also asking us all to be mindful of officers making traffic stops and remember to "Slow Down or Move Over." If you see any emergency or towing vehicle on the roadside, or a person trying to repair a flat or fix their car, police expect you to either move over to give them space or reduce your speed so you can react quickly enough if something happens and you have to take action not to hit anyone.
Killeen PD will conduct enhanced traffic enforcement from March 15th - 22nd
I feel like a very cautious driver, and I try to stay within the speed limit. (Well, sometimes.) I will defiantly keep in mind the extra enforcement next week.
Drive safe, Central Texas!
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