When a person visits Texas for the first time, it's an experience.

After all, everything is bigger in the Lone Star State. From the cities to the roadways even! But there's a major part of the vacation that many have to factor in while planning, but what could it be?

Maybe it's the clothing you'll need for the trip? Perhaps snacks if you're driving to the state? What in the world could it be that we're talking about?

Well, it's none other than the place a person needs to stay at in Texas! You just can't stay anywhere right? A hotel is generally where somebody will stay, but how about staying on a floating hotel?

Wait, Texas Has Floating Hotels?

It might be a bit hard to believe, but the Lone Star State does indeed have a hotel that floats on the water.  Before we go any further, let's take a look at it shall we?

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Look, we already love the fact that you can play foosball while on the water. But a sauna included as well. You can have a private sauna and take in a water view!

The one thing that we are wondering though is could you move the boat around the water area? Could you imagine getting to drive the boat around and having people lounge at the same time?

Actually, now that we think about it, it might be the best to do so. Imagine if somebody falls overboard. That would be kind of scary...

Texas Is Growing, Here Are The Fastest Growing Counties

Texas is experiencing a population explosion. Here are the top 10 fastest-growing counties in Texas from 2022 - 2023 (WFAA).

LOOK: Hilarious State Symbols of Texas

Gallery Credit: Chaz

LOOK: The Blue Bonnets Of Texas

Learn the real facts and then some about the beautiful Texas state flower the Bluebonnets.

Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez

The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

Hey, be thankful for these laws. We have enough problems as it is without worrying about uncaged bears in the backseat of our Texas vehicles.

Gallery Credit: Tara Holley