We Asked, You Answered: These are Your Top Tacos in Central Texas
Tacos! Tacos! Tacos! There's never a bad time to have some tacos. Breakfast, lunch, dinner or just as just a snack - anytime is a great time for tacos. Here in Central Texas, there are plenty of great places to grab this tortilla-wrapped gift from the food gods.

We recently asked you to tell us your go-to spot for tacos and you did not disappoint, except the occasional smart-ass response like Taco Bell and Rosa's Café. I'm not saying those are bad tacos, but we were looking for something a little less "corporate" if you will, and for those of you that chimed in to tell us your favorite spot, we thank you.
Central Texas Taco Trucks
One things for sure, there is no lack of places to grab a taco in Temple, Belton or Killeen. Just about every street in the downtown area of Temple has a food truck of some kind on it. In fact, I've seen food trucks set up in driveways in neighborhood streets. They open at night with a couple of picnic tables set up and folks from down the street stop by to eat and enjoy some conversation as they head out for the evening.
How to Eat a Taco
I'm not saying there's a right way or a wrong way to eat tacos but if you need a little guidance, our friends at Los Compadres Street Tacos posted this easy to follow guide.
Favorite Taco Spot in Central Texas
We asked you to tell us your go-to spot for tacos recently and we got so many answers that I could literally plan my lunch itinerary for the next month trying out some of these spots. As much as I love tacos, I may just do that.
Below is a list of the places you told us are your favorite, in no particular order.
According to You, These are The Top Taco Spots in Central Texas
Honorable Mentions
There were a few places mentioned that I couldn't find an address for so we'll put them in the "Honorable Mentions" section.
Korean Kravings doesn't have a set location but our friend girldad27 swears by them and says they are the best. "Bulgogi tacos, flippin amazing." They post there location on Facebook so hit them up HERE to see where they are.
Big T says San Miguel in Cooperas Cove is his spot. From what I see on Yelp, Big T isn't the only one who loves San Miguel's.
El Taco Fool is another mobile food truck that you'll have to check their Facebook page to find them but Yea says is a must try.
Late Night Tacos
So what about the late night night spot for tacos? We had some suggestions for go-to places that you know all to well.
Taco Bell
Still a favorite of many a man. My friend Dusty says they are always the best. Depending on where you go, Taco Bell can stay open till 1am.
Jack in the Box
I remember a time when Jack in the Box tacos were better than the burgers. Apparently it's still that way. A great midnight taco spot. Jack in the Box is open till 1am and in some places operated 24 hours.
Did we miss any? Let's us know what your go-to taco spot is!