A woman on Reddit is refusing to ruin Christmas by attending her sister's wedding.

The woman explained that she and her sister have never really been close, and her sister has had "little to nothing to do with me or my children."

"She doesn't invite us to anything, doesn't call me to talk, doesn't text. She's more like a distant relative and that's understandable because, again, we have such a big age difference. We are in completely different places in life," she began.

"A year ago she got engaged to her boyfriend. I've met him a handful of times and he seems like a good guy. They decided they wanted to get married in a different state on New Year's Eve," she added.

Unfortunately, the woman has been having some financial hardships after accruing debt during COVID-19 as well as her husband getting laid off. She's even working two jobs currently to stay afloat.

"Taking two days off to drive there, a day for the wedding, then two days off to drive back is at least five days of missed work. Five days before New Year's Eve is December 26th, so we'd be driving on Christmas to ensure some buffer time," she explained, adding that if she goes to her sister's wedding, her kids won't have a Christmas.

"In order to make this work my kids (one of which has seen my sister twice in the last year and the other not at all) won't get Christmas. All the money we've saved up for Christmas will be spent on gas, the rest of the Airbnb, and food for the trip. We won't have money to do fun things while gone, we won't be able to buy Christmas presents. It would strictly be: drive 24 hours to the wedding, watch wedding, drive back," the woman continued.

"Adding extra to this, my sister asked my nephew to be part of the wedding as a ring bearer. My kids have been an afterthought. No one has asked them to be any part of the wedding at all," she said, dropping another bomb: "The wedding is taking place on a cruise ship and everyone else invited has booked rooms on the cruise. We are the only ones who would not be cruising and would only be able to stay on board for the wedding."

READ MORE: Woman ‘Refusing to be Excited’ for Sister’s Pregnancy

People in the comments sided with the woman.

"Anyone who schedules a destination wedding at Christmas needs to accept that people are going to prioritize their kids, nuclear family and the holiday over the wedding. It's just not a reasonable or feasible ask," one user wrote.

"Christmas is a time for children. Their joy should come first," another commented.

"Don't go. It's clearly a financial and logistical strain on you. Moreover, you and your sister don't have a relationship. You love her, but it doesn't seem like you and your family matter to her. Accept the situation for what it is and stay home," someone else recommended.

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