There are a lot of rules when it comes to driving on Texas roads. Antyime you get behind the wheel you're taking on a lot of responsibility. Not just for yourself, but for any passengers you have in the vehicle with you and the other drivers on the road too.

Drivers in Tyler, Longview, and Gilmer, Texas, are faced with so many rules it's hard to know about them all. Some of them are common sense rules and some of them are bizarre and you've never ever heard of.

Most drivers in Texas know that you're breaking the law when you speed, text and drive (although many do it all the time), not wearing your seatbelt or obeying traffic control devices. Then there are those laws that are on the books that some Texans aren't familiar with, for instance, passengers are not permitted to occupy a trailer while in motion for example.

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There's a good chance that everyone has unintentionally broken one of these laws at a time or two. As long as these strange laws remain on the books, you can technically still be cited for breaking the law, but there's a good chance the officer involved will only give you a warning unless it warrants a citation.

Let's take a look at four of these laws that could still get you a citation in Texas:

Knowing these four things could save you from having to pay a fine for not knowing the law in Texas.

The 5 Places Experts Say Every Texan Should Visit Before They Die

Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

The Most Dangerous Spiders Now Found in Texas

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Texas 4 Most Loved Comfort Foods

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

The 10 Most Scenic Fall Hikes in Texas You've Never Heard of

Texas has quite a few state parks and natural areas--and even a couple of national parks to get out and enjoy. Whether you like a desert aesthetic, stunning forests, or just want to explore some of the more historic trails on offer, there is something that anyone would enjoy. 

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