Azriel Clary is sticking to her word and finally releasing details on her relationship with R.Kelly. 

Since returning home to her family in January, Azriel has been very outspoken regarding her relationship with r&b singer R.Kelly. According to her, she has been in a very toxic relationship with him for the last five years and now that she's free, she's ready to set the record straight. 

Over the weekend she released the first part in a 16 minute Youtube video that's titled "Intro- My last five years." 

I'm sure you are expecting some fancy set up with lights and an exclusive interviewer right? Sorry to let you down but this is a homemade film with her in a t-shirt, no makeup and her revealing her truth. 

She claims that she does not have a set amount of videos that she plans to release it could be anywhere from 10-100 and she's allowing viewers to ask any question under her video on Youtube. 

In the beginning of the clip Azriel can be seen saying “For those of you who don’t know, yes I have been in therapy and a big part of being able to heal is talking, I am going to tell you guys everything that I have experienced, everything that I have seen, everything that I have endured during these last five years.”

To check out the first 16 minutes CLICK HERE




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