
Here Are 48 of the Greatest Hip-Hop DJs of All-Time
In celebration of their contributions to the culture, here are the greatest DJs in hip-hop history that every rap fan should know.

25 Essential The Notorious B.I.G. Songs
XXL highlights 25 of the The Notorious B.I.G.'s greatest songs for your listening pleasure.

14 Weakest Albums by Great Rappers
From Eminem's Encore album to Jay-Z's Kingdom Come and more, here are 15 weak albums by great rappers.

40 Unforgettable Kanye West Tweets From the 2010s
Looking back on the decade's most attention-grabbing Twitter account.

Prince’s Greatest Hip-Hop Moments
Though slow to appreciate hip-hop, Prince eventually embraced its biggest stars and most unique voices.

15 Classic Blaxploitation Films That Deserve Reboots
While 'Superfly' is the first classic Blaxploitation film to get a remake, we think these 15 classic films from the era deserve remakes next.

15 R&B Covers Better Than The Original
These R&B covers give the original a run for their money.

15 Facts You Didn’t Know About Janet Jackson’s ‘Janet.’ Album
The classic album which celebrates an anniversary today is one of Jackson's most critically acclaimed works to date. We expound on 15 facts about the album

10 Reasons Spike Lee’s ‘He Got Game’ Is a Classic
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of "He Got Game," we've compiled 10 reasons why it's a cinematic classic.