Joey Ech is employed by XXL. Visit the official XXL staff contact page here to see all current employees. No one from XXL would ever ask you for money in exchange for coverage on our site, in our magazine, or on our social networking accounts. If someone reaches out to you from an Instagram account that isn’t @XXL or an email address that isn’t from and asks you to pay cover coverage, it's a scam. Joey brings his unequivocal passion and knowledge of hip-hop culture to the airwaves each weekend, counting down the hottest tracks from every region of the country, culminating with the XXL Official Top 10 songs each and every week.
Joey Ech
Sexyy Red Confuses Fans With Ice Cream Cone Face Tattoo Like Gucci Mane
Is it real or fake?
The 13 Best New Hip-Hop Songs This Week
Rap game putting in work ahead of Labor Day.
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill Is Still the Best Women’s Rap Album Ever 26 Years Later
It still has the X-Factor, no question.
Cardi B Rages at Fan Who Accuses Her of Bleaching Her Skin
Bodak Bleach? Cardi had time today.
Dame Dash Shares the Big Reason How He Got So Broke
Dreams dashed?