Every year, people make all types of  resolutions to lose weight, save money, take vacations, spend more time with the kids-parents-spouse, be more punctual, and the list goes on and on.  Some actually follow through, and some end up making the same resolution year after year, without seeing a change.  If it's the latter in your case, ask yourself, how serious were you when you made it?  Did you seriously work towards your  resolution?  To make it work, you have to become actively engaged and stay on track. Visualize your promise/goal to yourself, and let nothing cause you to fall short.  Studies have shown that if you post your goal where you can see it every day, the liklihood of achieving is very high.  So go ahead, make that resolution and stick to it.  You will be amazed at your acomplishment.  Hava a happy and prosperous new year, and above everything else, "Don't let anybody steal your joy!"

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