Well the first presidential is in the books and the talking heads on TV, as well as most polls taken have given round one to Republican nominee Mitt Romney, there will be two more  presidential debates so if you are a President Obama supporter there is still time for  him to come back strong and i expect he will, one thing i did notice was that if you like President Obama you could make a case he won the debate and the same thing can be said if you support Mitt Romney,but what most people are talking about this morning on twitter and other social media is the  moderator of last night's debate 78 year old Jim Lehrer who is being torn apart by critics who said he lost control of the debate,as the two candidates ignored him  several times throughout the night.To be fair i thought Mr Lehrer did what he was supposed to do let the  candidates have the floor, no one tunes in to grade the moderator and it's not like this was Mr Lehrer's first rodeo he  has moderated 11 other debates, so please can we stop this madness where we have to blame someone  else for your candidate doing well or not doing well, i'm just saying !

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